作者: Radulescu, IR (Radulescu, Ion Razvan); Ghituleasa, C (Ghituleasa, Carmen); Stjepanovic, Z (Stjepanovic, Zoran); Dufkova, P (Dufkova, Petra); Almeida, L (Almeida, Luis); Blaga, M (Blaga, Mirela)
编者: Roceanu I; Holotescu C; Colibaba AC; Blaga M; Beligan D; Adascalitei A; Miron C; Herman C; Grigore V; Stanescu M
出版年: 2016
E-learning instruments in the textile field are of great relevance: textile technologies are in a continuously modernization process and their knowledge aims to promote the development of the companies. The specialists in textiles, the high school students and the young entrepreneurs are able to implement the updated knowledge by being involved in a Vocational Education and Training (VET) process. Hence, key research providers in textiles have joined with the purpose of providing modern knowledge for the world of work. These objectives have been met within the Erasmus Plus - Advan2Tex project \"E-learning course for the specialists in the textile field\" (2014-2016). The e-learning course envisaged is based on an e-learning platform containing 7 modules in the field of innovative textiles: \"Advanced Knitting Technologies\", \"Virtual prototyping of garments, 3D scanning, clothing for people with special needs\", \"New method for testing textile materials\", \"Standardization of textile testing\" and \"New sustainable textile technologies, LCA, Eco-labelling\", \"Entrepreneurship\" and \"Innovation management\". Five European research providers have joined within the project\'s partnership and have elaborated the 7 modules in all the national languages as well as in English. The represented countries are: Czech Republic (TZU), Portugal (University Minho), Romania (INCDTP and UT Iasi) and Slovenia (University Maribor). These 7 modules in 5 languages have been uploaded as book resources on a Moodle e-learning platform. The content was divided in chapters and subchapters, while the images and pictures have been uploaded separately. Each module is followed by a set of multiple choice questions. The multiple choice tests have been transformed in GIFT format for a centralized upload. An online conference room has been configured for questions and answers between tutors and trainees. Nevertheless, synchronous (chat) and asynchronous (forum) communication instruments have been also implemented on the platform. The trainees have been organized in cohorts, which were assigned to the courses categories on the project\'s languages. The configured and implemented platform is available at the URL address: www.advan2tex.eu/portal/.

入藏号: WOS:000385397100082

会议名称: 12th International Scientific Conference on eLearning and Software for Education (eLSE)

会议日期: APR 21-22, 2016

会议地点: Bucharest, ROMANIA




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